One Hot Teacher Series: Pip Roberts

Pip Roberts, Potts Point Pilates Teacher

What is your hometown?

Where did you complete your teacher training?
Elixr School of Pilates in Sydney

What are three words that describe your teaching style?

What is the #1 thing you love about Pilates?
I love that in Pilates, in order to perform the moves correctly, you need to be fully present. Concentration is one of the key principles of Pilates… I personally am someone who loses focus easily, so being able to channel my focus into my practice has so many benefits for both mind and body. Breath is another key principle, so when combined with concentration, you have the opportunity to direct your energy away from distractions and interruptions and commit fully to the practice which, in modern life, is a great way to not only work the body but create some space for the mind.

If you had to pick, what’s your favourite Pilates exercise and why?!
Oh, how do you choose? I love glute bridge on the mat or reformer… such an effective way to train hamstrings and abs and the variations are endless, I love discovering a new way to re-master an old classic.

Who are you inspired by?
I am constantly inspired by my students… whether they’re training to overcome an injury, improve performance or just for fun and fitness, I am constantly impressed by how dedicated our members are to challenge themselves.

Favourite line from a movie?
Such a hard question… I love movies but I have terrible recall for lines (I do however remember outfits). Clueless is my favourite movie of all time… too many classic quotes to list.

How do you like to “treat yo self?”
I absolutely love walking… I walk as often as I can, ideally with my pup to get fresh air and often new perspectives. If I don’t have time for a stroll and I need a quick pick me up, chocolate will do it every time… the milk variety, especially if they’re Heigh’s chocolate frekles (I know, zero health benefits, but I’m not going to lie to you)